Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Takin' Care of Business

Yesterday was Tuesday.  One of my favorite days of the week.  It always has been.

Years ago, as a child, Tuesday night represented the night my family would all be united on the couch for Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons.  Afterward, we would all go to bed, usually echoing the show's closing, 'Good night, Johnboy!' 'Good night Maryellen.' ' 'night, Elizabeth.'.  This would continue with increased amounts of snickering, until my dad would say, in a voice that was attempting unsuccessfully to sound stern, 'GOOD NIGHT.'   The snickering would continue for a few more minutes, although we all knew, laying there in our separate rooms, that the calling out had better NOT.

Fast forward a decade or two, and Tuesday night meant sitting on the couch with my OWN family, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  My kids grew up knowing that even a teenager could save the world, or change it, if they stood up to what they were afraid of.  And we had plenty of discussions as to how best to survive the always imminent 'Zombie Apocolypse'.  By the way, you want My Son on your zombie survival team.  Just a tip.

But several years ago Darling Husband and I started our own business, and now Tuesday nights have become the night we get together with some of our fellow business owners to learn new techniques and success principles.  And to have fun.  They are some of the most fun people I have ever met.  And it occurred to me that Tuesday night has always been about family.  My parent's family, as a child, my own family when they were small, and now my extended family-of-choice, the people who have the same dreams and goals in life that I do.  Those people who want the best for me, and who I can share the journey with.

What better people to bring joy to a simple Tuesday night?


  1. My "Darling" and I STILL have talk about what we would need to build in a fallout shelter if a zombie apocalypse should happen. It's important you know. ;)
