Thursday, April 17, 2014

Still His Girl

Darling Husband and I met in college.  I had been a new freshman for all of 2 or 3 weeks.  I had never lived away from home before, and never been on my own.  Suddenly, the best friend who had been a penpal for 4 years and I were reunited, roommates in a city we were both unfamiliar with, learning to be independent.  During Rush Week for the societies at our college, one of the societies hosted a mixer at the local skating rink, and there he was.  The young man whom I would soon be building my world around, and not being able to imagine life without.

Our dates in college were spent doing what most couples in our era did.  Wandering around the local mall or hanging out at a video arcade playing Missile Command, Centipede, Tempest, pinball, and air hockey.  Occasionally, we'd go see a movie, when we could afford it.  We bonded over Joust and Gauntlet, but I think he won my heart playing skeeball.  Yes, I'm aware it sounds silly.  But all those tickets he won night after night got saved up to win me stuffed animals, toy rings, and icecream cones.  How could I resist?

Tonight, we went to see a movie with some friends, and we arrived to the theatre a bit before they did.  We bought our tickets, and then, rather than stand in the lobby waiting, he wandered into the arcade.  We perused all the new games....He investigated the driving games.  I tried to convince him to try the dancing simulator game, to no avail.  And then he saw the skeeball game.  He went and found a bill changer and got a few dollars worth of quarters before I realized what he was doing.  When he came back, put the quarter in, and those 9 balls rolled into place, it was like going back in time to a simple, wonderful time in my life.  It was so fun watching him bowl the balls up into the target.  And I must say, he's still pretty good, after all these years!

After only a few games, our friends arrived, so he tore off the tickets he'd won.  We rarely ever get to an arcade now, so he gave them to a dad who's little girl had quite a collection going, and we went in to see our movie.  The whole night had the feel of being in college again, just hanging out with someone I love so dearly, carefree and having fun.  I loved 'just being his girl' all those years ago.  It was a joy to be that girl again for the night.

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