Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Here Comes the Sun

If you are reading this from anywhere in the United States except California, or possibly other parts of the Southwest, you, along with everyone else in the US, had an incredibly cold and snowy winter.  Here in my East Coast town, we usually get a dusting of snow, or maybe even a few inches accumulation once in the year.  If the ground has been more white than green or brown even once, we declare that yes, it was a rough winter.  After all, we even 'got snow'.

I live in one of those places in the US where a half inch of snow effectively shuts down most every business.  As a matter of fact when my kids were in high school, they once got a snow day that was called the day before a storm was scheduled to hit...and then the storm passed us by, and they got their snow day...on a day there was not even a flake.  Such is life in a beach town that prides itself in 7 months per year of beach weather.

So 4 snow storms in one winter?  More than 2 feet of total accumulation in the SAME winter?  Clearly, the East Coat was heading for some 'Day After Tomorrow' type nuclear winter.  On February 2, when the Groundhog saw his shadow, that very sad rumble you heard was the entire population of my state collectively groaning for mercy.

But today, finally, it really began to feel like warm spring.  Two or three weeks later than usual, the sun was shining, the sky was clear blue, and there was a balmy breeze replacing the bone-chilling wind.  It was so gloriously warm and sunny today.  Nearly 80 degrees.  Everywhere I went today, people were smiling, cheerful, liberated from the indoors, happy to finally be able to come out like the hibernating groundhog, and glance at the sky, unobstructed by storm-clouds.  Spring arrived today.  And with it, something else to be so very joyful about.

Welcome, Sunshine!  We've missed you.

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