The trip we took this weekend was to a business conference. I know, 'business conference' sounds so boring. But the business conferences Darling Husband and I get to go to with our business partners are nowhere near boring.
Actually, they are my joy to tell you about for Saturday. We have business partners from all over the country, so the conferences turn into a sort of family reunion every few months. And there are so many wonderful speakers, helping us grow ourselves and our businesses that my brain is just overflowing by the time we leave!
It's kind of the equivalent of listening to a CD or...being on the very front row, LIVE, at a concert for your very favorite band!
Or watching a travel documentary about some island, or.....being on the beach in the warm sunshine, hearing the water lap the shore as you lay in a hammock with a fruity drink in your hand!
Get it?
The business conferences are my 4-times-a-year booster shot of joy and enthusiasm. And I appreciate all my wonderful friends and business partners who make it so awesome.
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