Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Bond of Brothers

On the way home from the business conference, we made another detour.  Darling Husband has a brother, and he lives only a few hours from where our conference was held, and arguably on the way home.  So we detoured.  We hadn't seen his brother or sister-in-law in almost 3 years, so it was past time.

And we had a wonderful time.  They took us out for dinner to one of the most unique places I've ever eaten...and quite delicious!  It was wonderful to catch up on what the kids are all doing, new jobs, new houses and moves, all the things that happen in life.

After dinner, we went home, and the guys disappeared into Brother's office.  Soon we heard laughing.  Loud, joyful laughing that always seems to be at the ready when Darling and his brother are together.  I was so glad we went.  Sister-in-law and I have alot in common, and I just know if they lived closer we would be good friends.  And clearly, Darling and his brother would be the best of friends, as well as family, if we lived close enough.

Sometimes that physical distance makes me a little sad, when it's so clear the family ties are so strong.  But we had a wonderful visit, and we very much appreciated the invitation.  I hope they will come visit us sometime soon, once we are moved into our new house!

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