Yesterday, as I was cleaning my house, someone knocked on the door. Usually, this means we have some sort of delivery, and yesterday was no exception. I went to the door, and there laid a box. This is nothing unusual, because Darling Husband and I have our own business, and we often have products delivered to our home. But these deliveries usually come in large boxes, 4 or 5 at a time. The box that arrived yesterday was small, only a little bigger than a shoebox, and was alone.
So I picked up the box to read where it had come from, even slightly expecting it had been misdelivered. But sure enough, it had Darling Husband's name on it. The printing on the outside of the box, tho, referred to something about tea. Now, I LOVE tea. I like regular Lipton's tea. I love herbal tea. I love fruit teas. I love hot tea. I love iced tea. My favorite is Twining's English Breakfast tea, hot, with just a splash of milk or cream.
So seeing 'tea' printed on the box led me to suspect the package was not actually for Darling Husband, but something he had ordered for my birthday! I was so excited! One of the things that means the most to me is a gift. It doesn't have to be big, or even cost any money at all, but there is nothing like the feeling that someone was thinking about me, and wanted me to have something I would like, when I wasn't even around! I still have a tiny little blue bottle I found once at an antique shop that Darling Husband used to call my weed vase, because I would put gifts from my children in it....dandelions, buttercups, clovers....I LOVE presents!
And I loved the excitement and anticipation of wondering what my gift was, yesterday. The joy of knowing he loved me enough to buy me a birthday gift was as sweet as the gift itself.
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