I was weeding again today. I honestly haven't really weeded since the last blog entry I wrote about weeding, but as I went out into the humidity and heat again today, it seemed like it's all I ever do. And I wasn't really very happy about that thought. But as I weeded, my thoughts changed. I'd like to share them with you.
Weeding. AGAIN. Always weeding. Well, I guess that's what I get for buying a 90 year old house. I wonder if there are any ways to kill all English Ivy and kudzu in my yard, without actually killing everything else. Geez. This stuff would probably survive a nuclear holocaust. Death to IVY!!
But I continued weeding, and gradually....
You know what tho? It makes the house seem very settled in it's environment to have this beautiful ivy here and there. And these weeds really are coming up pretty easily. The nandina looks pretty here. Nandina. Wow. I'm even beginning to know the names of some of these plants. Gotta get the weeds away from the dusty miller. He's not growing too well, all choked with ivy. Hold on, Dusty. I'm working on it.
I hardly even realized it was happening, but by the time I got the side bed weeded....
You know, this really isn't going to be too bad to keep up. I just need to get out here a couple times a week and make sure nothing is taking over. The hardest part is getting them looking better. Keeping up shouldn't be a big deal. I could even learn to like this. Getting to see how my flowers are coming, tending them, seeing them grow. I never did get to play in the dirt when I was a kid. I guess this is my chance. Hmmm...I'm done with the side bed. I suppose I ought to check the front bed for weeds. Probably won't be too many, since I weeded it the other day....
And then, what really surprised me...
You know, I have the front bed caught back up again...I could just take these pansies and verbena and put them here. They'd be happier in the ground than in those pots....Here you go, little flowers. Now you can keep your little feet wet and grow...grow! Grow! GROW! Ha. I am talking to my flowers. Before you know it, I'll be planning what I want to plant, instead of just tending what's here. And then...on to Yard of the Month!! Well! THAT'S not what I was thinking when we bought this house! Hmmm....done already??
And I realized something...Most ANY project seems completely daunting, overwhelming, when you first begin. Training a puppy. Raising kids. Painting a room. Learning to drive a stick shift. Most anything. But if you start, you make progress. Even if it's a tiny bit of progress. The NEXT day, you have only to maintain that tiny bit of progress...which is SO much easier than gaining it...and make a tiny bit MORE progress. And you know what?? I'm not just making progress for progress's sake. I'm not just making progress because it's a duty. I'm making progress because I enjoy seeing progress. Because progress helps me dream further ahead.
I had forgotten that. Dear Husband and I have our own business, and sometimes all the tasks that need to be done for that seem SO overwhelming, just too big a mountain. But there was so much joy today in realizing that if I just....make some progress....no matter how small, I will be further along than I was today, and closer to whatever I dream.
So here is a wish for you today, my friend. My wish for you today is that you find something...some small way to make some progress toward a goal. Tomorrow, all you will have to do is maintain that...and you'll be closer to whatever you dream.
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