So many times, we make resolutions at this time of year and before February1, we've forgotten all about them. It's even become a sort of joke in our society. But it's made me think about what kind of people that makes us, and what that says about our society, and more importantly, our own sense of honor and integrity.
Am I a person of integrity? Do I do what I say I'm going to do? Am I the same person around my friends and family and co-workers that I am when NO ONE is watching?
I think we all tend to not keep our word, to a certain extent....especially to ourselves.
"I'm going to get the laundry finished today."
"I'm only going to watch one episode of this show on Netflix."
"I'll get the dishes done during the commercials."
"I'm going to start going to the gym."
"I'm going to spend more time with my husband/wife/kids."
"I'm going to spend more time studying the Bible."
"I'm going to spend more time in prayer."
Maybe we say these out loud to our spouse or friends. Maybe they are just silent promises we make to ourselves.
But if we don't keep them, it effects our integrity, and our self-image.
So I don't know if you set a New Years Resolution or not. I set two, personally.
But even if you didn't, let's ALL work on keeping our own, everyday promises to ourselves, and learning to be and do what we say we are.
That way, 2019 will be full of the everyday joy of knowing we are people of our word, people with personal integrity who can hold their heads high in any adversity.
Happy 2019, everyone!!