Well, despite the title, Chaos is not just a theory in my life. It is an actual, positively active reality. And for that reason, I'm not even going to try to explain why it's been 11 months since I posted a blog entry. Please forgive me. Certainly, with a little better time management, and a little more determination, I could have figured it out. But that is, as they say, water under the bridge.
But the things that have 'kept' me from posting are not terrible ones. We have a new grandbaby. That makes two now. One of them is 2, and an absolute joy. He reminds me so much of my son when he was a toddler, full of curiosity, exploration, learning....and dirt. Could there ever be a joyful, happy 2 year old boy full of adventure and wiggles who wasn't also partially covered in dirt?
The other grandbaby is another grandson, he's 8 months now, and I haven't even shared him with you, yet. He is already crawling, climbing, standing....I'm sure he'll be walking before he's a year old, already ready to adventure and explore, already full of a little boy's curiosity and need to conquer the world.
My Peaches and her beloved got married. I haven't told you about that, either. They ran off to a justice of the peace. In a quite romantic, spur of the moment gesture, they decided they wanted it to be just the two of them, quietly saying those timeless words of love and commitment to each other alone. I hope they will have a wedding at some point, because I can't wait to see what a beautiful bride my Peaches will be. But I'm so very happy for them.
They also recently got their own apartment. It's not far, only a few miles, but they are so happy to be out on their own, and beginning their new life together. And their apartment is adorable.
I've been to a country fair for a weekend with Princess and her husband and my dear little Button.
I've painted a couple places in our new home.
We had TWO Christmas trees in our beautiful new house, one of them a beauty over 8 feet tall that scented the entire front of the house with pine and greeted visitors in the most charming and old-fashioned way. It is what I had dreamed it would be, the first time I set foot in the house.
Dearest Husband has finished culinary school. He got through his final exams and finished with honors. I am so very proud of him. Although I think he may regret his efforts just a bit, since I default to letting him do most of the cooking these days.
And so you see the highlights of the eleven months I have not posted....Every one of them an everyday joy in it's own right, every one of them something that took up time and energy, and somehow kept me from remembering to post about it.
So often, in this 21st century, we are too involved in social media or too concerned with taking this picture or texting that person, or looking this up on our phone, or do that on our tablet...that we forget to take the time to actually LIVE these lives we're living. And I'm not preaching. I am probably one of the worst I know about doing it. Some absolutely wonderful things have happened in the last eleven months. And even tho I'm sorry I haven't posted, and I vow to be better at it in the future, today, I'm so very glad I was there.
Because TIME with those we love is an everyday joy we never get back once it's gone.